HAGANAI – 03 [w/ Oyatsu]

Seriously… i was about to drop this project… but amidst my sadness and frustration while i was watching Mashiro iro symphony and falling in love with the other Sena… i thought of asking OYATSU for a lil help 🙂

and they gladly accpted my request…

Oyatsu is pretty much providing the foundation of the project now [TL+timing]

while we run the TLC/TS/EDIT/QC/ENCODAN



now as for this episode… i also have to thank powha who helped me out with the damn game sign… was kind of puzzling but he made it look so easy… everyone thank him aswell…

and also please …. hrmmm visit oyatsu’s site for more awesomeness…


Again this is a 10b rls


04 will come soon…

Hello world!

The project just restarted back again last saturday morning and is walking through VERY smoothly thanks to the amazing effort of oyatsu-fansubs who kindly are helping us with this show…

FULL DISCLOSURE: this project went through some really dark times where i was pushed to the verge of evaluating the possibilty of dropping it…

but thanks to Oyatsu-Fansubs who kindly accepted my request for help this wont happen…

we currently have EP3 70% finished this episode is just stuck at TSing for the next 12-15hrs while the person who will help me pull through the sign comes back from work.

the script is already past the SQC sort of lol…

as far as ep 4 goes it just started being edited a few hours ago… probably will be ready sometime friday and meet the qcers that same day at some point… by then episode 3 should already be in the RCQC# stage if not be done completely with it.

our goal is to release 2 episodes sometime this weekend…

as far as ep5 goes: Script is in the timing stage… and let timing alone… this episode has some time consuming signs, is gonna take me a while to finish it up… but i will commit to it after work and make it happen… but for sure… tsing of ep5 is planned to be not less than 3 days.

for now that is all i have to say…



PS: if you guys wish to see a live update of each episode progress your can do so HERE i will try to update the page everytime a script moves on to the next stage.

Haganai – 02

Wait wat?

02 already? we be going WAY TOO FUKKEN FAST!!!!


anyway… thx again to everyone involved in this i thank you all for your help.


TL: Silikine

TLC: Rumi

Timer: Jecht

Editor: Collectr

QC: Ustnap/F1ber

Typesetting: F1ber

Encodan: Skyward


Special thx: VEXED.


and last but not trully this episode is full of DAT AZZ!!!!!

in this one we see Arrow in azz…



[AniYoshi]_Boku_wa_Tomodachi_ga_Sukunai_-_02_[2DE1B3D9] TORRENT

again: this is a 10B rls… HI10 FTW!!!

no 8B and no XviD either…


We still looking for TLCers: if you want faster releases please come and help us out.

Haganai – 01!

Fuck this took a while…

1st thing’s first; The Club Sign Yozora posted had a hidden message saying “Recruiting Friends” in Japanese ともだち募集.
The message was written with one character per line and was only readable diagonally.
It’s COMPLETELY impossible to localize the message into English because of grammatical limitations.

“Recruiting Friends” is technically incorrect as well, because it uses “recruiting” as an adjective.
Accordingly, “Friend Recruitment” would be a more literal translation.  Even translating this message
as literally as possible, there’s no real way to make a literal localization of the hidden meaning.

Now peeps… download the torrent… sit back and relax… wait for completion of DL… a can of beer… take off your shoes… put your feet up… and enjoy the ride.

se ya’ll later today or tomorrow with more haganai.

Special thanks: Vexed thx for your invaluable help dude.

visit him and download your haganai scans from here!

TORRENT this is a 10b rlease

there is gonna be no XviD and no 8b

upgrade CCCP for more cookies

We need:


Timmers and TLCers… apply now and help us rlsing this show faster.