Lucky number SEVEN!!!!

wow… we actually reached 7 episodes… furthermore 3 releases in less that 14 days… quite fast… if only we’d been this fast from the get go…

i was gonna rant about the retards of JAPANZAI and the crappyness of BATOTO and the idiots of mangafox but i feel lazy… i will rant about it some other day…

just a bit of a protip KIDS:

if you don’t want your shit to be in other sites then just stop scanlating altogether… PERIOD!!!!! you wont find fame and/or glory in this scene… in fact… i wonder who is more lame? a group that totally fucks up its own releases… or a site managed by a retard that makes a profit out off of even more retard people.

[8:12pm] <@Laharl-denka> lol f10 bitching at QCs, love it
[8:12pm] <@Laharl-denka> thank god im inactive
[8:13pm] <@F10> :>



Note: SNS stands for Social Networking Service. “nixi” is a parody of a real Japanese SNS, mixi.

i have no fucking idea what to talk about this time around…

ano saa….

just recently i started feeling like watching HELLSING… and… guess what… torrents of the 1st season are all DEAD… so i can’t watch it… any IRC distro dude out there watching our releases that has a bot with all the hellsing releases please do contact me… i’d like to watch this show… but is getting annoying trying to find it :/ #Animeyoshi @ Rizon

hrm also… happy new year? tee hee… :p

[9:11pm] <MarukoM> kay please give me about 10ish minutes to update the post then
[9:20pm] <MarukoM> Okay, you said its already ready on your seedbox right?Ā  I’ll upload to minglong then
[9:20pm] <F10> yeah
[9:20pm] <F10> do that
[9:20pm] <F10> lemme know when u have the file
[9:20pm] <F10> i wanna move it
[9:20pm] <F10> to the rlses folder
[9:20pm] <F10> to start seeding
[9:20pm] <MarukoM> already have the file downloaded
[9:20pm] <F10> ah
[9:20pm] <F10> forgot to make up shit for the post
[9:20pm] <F10> one minute
[9:20pm] <MarukoM> you dork
[9:20pm] <F10> lemme go and make shit up
[9:20pm] <F10> llesse
[9:20pm] <MarukoM> kay ill wait then
[9:21pm] <F10> what today’s rant should be?
[9:21pm] <MarukoM> Should be about finding actual vagina in the 3D world
[9:21pm] <MarukoM> And how if a goober like you can find some
[9:21pm] <MarukoM> Then the otakus online should also
[9:21pm] <MarukoM> be able to find some
[9:21pm] <MarukoM> So basically a post about you being an ass and showing off
[9:22pm] <MarukoM> Then brb 6 minutes
[9:32pm] <MarukoM> kay
[9:33pm] <MarukoM> made your kawaii post yet?


And you already know the rest…

here’s the link ENJOY


as incredible as it may sound D:

for the first time in almost 2 months we caught up with the translations šŸ˜®

amazing… WAY TO GO “ME” and also everyone else LOL!!!!!!

but of course… subbing during Xmas has always been quite a feat for most groups lol…

here’s a little update for every1…

Haganai-05: waiting on the upload of RC3 for a final revision and then is ready YAY!!!!

Haganai-06: waiting on 1 pending SQC “blame the holidays” to move into the final QC stages… “eppie is already encoded or so i hope lol”

Toradora Special: we already have this TL’d… but encoder comes back from holidays next week… so not gonna be much progress on this for the next 7-10 days lol… a brief of the process we will go through after encoder shows up is:Ā  TM->TLC->EDIT->QC(TS/KFX)->ENCODE->RCQC->RELEASE… this is gonna be fun to figure out… we have to find out a way to recycle the old karas lol

so as soon as i can grab hold of some staff not in holidays we can finish this up in no time šŸ˜€ haganai-05 was a major TS nightmare but it came out decently watchable… hope you peeps will enjoy it.

oh yeah… here is a disclaimer:

i can’t stop anyone from ripping our scripts and use them in other crappy videos… yeah… i know we can’t stop anyone from doing that… but that doesn’t take the fact that i DO NOT LIKE that in the least fucking BIT…

want to rls something or be famous? the fucking make your own group and go through all the pain and suffering you need to go to make a good script… then you might get the idea of how i feel…

also… NO I WILL NOT FUCKING SHARE MY SIGNS/TYPESETTING SOURCE FILES WITH ANYONE!!!! if you wanna rip the subs go ahead but at least make them fucking look good and dedicate AT LEAST half the time properly typesetting it!!! AT LEAST do something on your own… not just expect to be given everything on a god damn silver plate.

we strive to bring quality “we might not be perfect” but we don’t try to be perfect either… we just want a good release… and i think the good guys of OYATSU would relate with me on this thought… AT THE VERY FUCKING LEAST!!! if you feel like plagiarizing our subs have a little BIT OF DECENCY and show up in and ask them if you can use the scripts of eps 3+

right from he get go… DO NOT EVEN BOTHER asking me if i’d mind if you’d use the scripts of eps 1-2 because you’ll get a ban at the very least… so WITH ME… don’t even bother, don’t waste your time…

am i being a jerk?

well think of it this way… we try to put out something good… that when you watch it will make you smile šŸ™‚

we try to avoid big walls of text OR text on all 4 sides of the screen or text that IN ANY WAY BLENDS IN WITH THE FUCKING VIDEO thus becomes FUCKING DISTRACTING!!!!!!

if someone grabs the scripts and just muxe it with their shit guess what they do with the signs?

\an8, \pos, \1c&876876&, etc…and text all over the fucking screen… as for the karas? \fad, \fade, \alpha&HFF&… OH JOY!!!

that totally defeats the purpose of us working so hard in this… we have one of the best encoders around working on this… we have OUR OWN RAWS… this show is not even FANSERVICE oriented… so a BD rip is totally pointless…

nevertheless our raw provider “AAA+ ENCODER” will take the job of doing the BD… needless to say that he WILL HAVE ACCESS to ALL MY TS SOURCE FILES and support…Ā  and whenever he comes around to rls this in BD you’ll find out from which way is coming from…

i mean… if you can pull out a decent rls… BOOYAH!!! go ahead and do it… just don’t expect me to sit back and smile about it if all you do is a crap half assed job…

Good Night Interwebs…

Tonight i’m here… making this post wishing for us… to seat down and have a little chat…

There are those of course who don’t want to speak… don’t even care about it… but for those who do… let’s start…

not long ago i said i was 29 right… that means i have been in this mambo for almost what?…11-13 years? somewhere in there… that means it all started when i was around 15-17y/o

i remember one show… even b4 i realized my neighbor had anime… yeah… i am one of those who went through the whole season 1-3 of POKEMON…

like really… i started hanging out with my neighbor somewhere inside Pokemon – JHOTO LEAGE… i think one of the last episodes i watched was when mystie returned and met may and Ash kinda felt it for mystie and blah blah blah…

11-13 years later: THE FUCKING PRESENT!!!!!!! TODAY!!!!! like 400 episodes later IF NOT FUCKING MORE!!!!!

Ash is still 12 fucking years old… i mean seriously… how many kids, how many generations around the world have grown up watching this show asking themselves the same question: will Ash ever grow older? AT LEAST 1 year every 4-5 years in real life…

i mean wow… i know Anime is a fictional thing… but there is a limit to it… LOL

seriously… how many generations have grown watching pokemon and ash is still 12 years old?

i personally would say AT LEAST 3 generations… around the world… in countries where this kind of shows is aired daily… and they go through a whole season in less than a month… and then start re-runs for like the next 3 months… i would be surprised if more than 4 generations have already grown watching Ash stuck with his eternal 12 years old…

Mystie, May and Dawn…

seriously… ash has visited more islands than fucking jack sparrow… i mean even a kids’ show should have some kind of progress… some kind of plot… Pokemon i think is one of those Cartoons made in japan and just because is MIJ is called an ANIME…

at this rate this show is gonna be still airing when i’m 40… and ash will still be 12 years old… and my grand childrens are already growing up on it…

well that’s that… next time we’ll talk about real series with deep plots that make your skin shrivel… of course when we talk about this… is gonna go manga way… not a single anime in history of anime has made ANY KIND of justice to its manga/LN

but this is for the next rant…

Is that time again…


not much to say for now…

TBH 05 is totally sitting on my lap right now with the TS at about 65% done while i’m BZ watching GTO

why? well i need to refuel myself up… i need some good animu in order to continue…

in this episodes you’ll see a blatant reference to SENGOKU NO BASARA… yeah…

and also a trap and also a female pervert… but i still love Sena the most…


maybe most of you who’ll DL this wont even watch it lol… u’ll download it… archive it… and watch it probably sometime next year heh… well whatever… i should be done with 05 in a couple of days… so for now let’s say we can see ep05 out sometime this weekend “HOPEFULLY”


that is all… all of you now can go back to whatever it is u were doin’…


BTW: i would like to sub AmagamiSS next month… so if there is a tler available send him my way…

we also accept joints… if we can’t pull that one out…. well we might as well go back to retirement lol.


AGAIN: this is a 10B RLS


drop a comment or two lol…

and if you have tlers available drop one or two also heh.

10:16 (M’X) F1 why do you keep killing yourself with such kind of TSing? when no-one cares about it anymore.

i just got asked that question… and the answer is:

i personally do not know myself… around the times i started TSing or rather… SERYOUSLY fansubbing in general i remember it was somewhere around 1999-2000.

and LOL ttbt to me in those days ANIME was ranma1/2 /DBZ/iron-man 28/ZEUS/thundercats/silverhawks and so on and so forth…

YES i know TC and SH were cartoons not anime but in those days i didn’t know any better… SUE ME!!!

anyway… my neighbor was watching some very weird anime in some strange language i had never heard before lol… i said… WTF looks cool so i went out, knocked on his door and made the question: IS THAT ANIME?

he looked at me very funny and said.. yeah why? i was like: WOW where do i buy it? he laughed at me. then long story short… that’s how i got into the anime world… FIRST SHOW I WATCHED IN JPN WAS: NGE… “i am sure many can relate to that story”

needless to say we became rather good friends… i watched all his insane load of anime lol a shit-ton of it…

anyway… at some point i made myself the question EVERY old time anime lover made to himself “sorry for being redundant here”

HOW THE HELL THEY DO THIS!!!??? “the subs and all that shit”

i was curious… as a good weaboo i went to my friend and said: sempai… how this people put the subs in the video like this? and in english none the less… WOW…

boy was i surprised when i found out i had a fansubber right in front of me… lol i felt sort of like WOW I MET GOD!!!!!

anyway… funny as it may sound… or lame… whatever you want to call it… that is how all started… i made him tell me the process… then of course i wanted to know more… so i told him “let me have the software you use to put the subs in”


for those of you who do not know this: ssa… is pretty much the father of medusa/aegis and whatever subtitle editor out there… lol in order to time the subs you dah to import an audio track that was to be MONO-8b.

as soon as i tried it the first time i was like… ok fuck this… too fucking complicated… “gave up” or so i thought…

but now i knew how to get my anime… i had realized the existence of IRC the garden of anime in the old days… if people wanted anime… they had to go into IRC find the group’s channel and hope they had people running FSERVERS with free slots lol…

if you get banned from the channel that was it for you… kiss your anime good bye lol…

anyway… as i started watching more and more anime… and the technologies started to evolve and integrate into fansubbing i was more and more leaning towards actually learning it… but… learn what exactly? what do i want to do?

translate anime? neh… seems like too much of a pain in the ass to learn a language just for that.

Time the translations? neh is kind of a pain in the ass so neh…

for an outsider in theory that was pretty much all fansubbing was all about… i didn’t really knew about editing or QC or TSing…

but even tho i didn’t officially got involved in the scene around that time… i kept messing around with ssa… and actually learned the timing bsns lol

maybe 2 years later? or was it one year later? can’t remember anymore… but during the massive outbreak of fansubs and Fansubbers… the mention of this subtitle editor came to my eyes… MEDUSA… in it you was able to edit subs with a video open… and do some other fancy stuff… i read this old guide from this guy… was he from a-keep? can’t remember that either it was a very popular guide about the new .ASS commands… \move \fscx \fscy so on and so forth…

i wasn’t really sure what that was about… but when i actually saw some “during those times” the improvements of TSING i said… that’s it… that’s what i wanna learn… lol yes i joined a few groups here and there that gave me a chance to join and do their signs… most of the times someone was kicking my ass lol… anyway… i grabbed what i could and moved on… i went on like that for a few years… reached a point where i was working in every group i could find… doing signs… i got burnt up… frustrated… wanted to give up… started slacking… and blah blah blah… but one thing never changed… i never stopped loving doing my best while i was tsing…

at some point… fansubbing evolved even more… the digitization had started… Adobe After Effects… welcome to this world…

i don’t know who was the first group to bring into the scene but the first group I SAW using this kind of technology was SHINSEN-SUBS… the golden days of that group… at some point they started going downhill until they eventually completely hit the ground but that’s another story…

fancy logos… seemingly advanced tsing “in those days everything done in AFX was a big deal lol” so yeah… as a tser of course i also joined in… i downloaded AFX.5 and guess what… couldn’t use it lol… my PC was too fucking old for it… so i continued working in ASS for a few more years (?)

when i finally convinced my mom to buy me a new PC it was time for AFX.6 so of course i started playing with it lol

but i was a NOOB!!!!! i was an ass subber WTF DID I KNOW… so i went with this question to shinjipierre… “how do you time stuff in afx”

guess what? i got laughed at and banned of #shinjipierre lol…

started reading docs about afx and at some point… i figured out all the basic stuff… it was fun… things started to fall in place, altho i didn’t dared yet to use it for fansubbing i was starting to understand the program…

guess what i did? in order to improve myself in afx… i went to TS another language “i wont say what language tho”

their standards are pretty low… and pretty much anything done in afx is godly for them… it doesn’t matter how fucked up it was… for then is godly… so i used them to improve myself lol… I AM EVIL BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHA

came back to the english scene with a bit more confidence… went through a few groups… whored myself out “again” and i even had a few convos with B0nk when he was still in A-L… around the time of akane-maniax-01.

i had made my first .ASS karaoke… he said i like it but we can use this with soft subs… i was bummed :<

back to square-1 this time figuring out how the fuck i was gonna make a karaoke with AFX… sat down in front of my pc for hours after school trying to figure this out… YAHOOING the webs for tips or leads something that would help me to understand this… then… BOOYAH… i found a lead… ssa_karaoke_animatorv1.1

i had found the clue i needed… now i could start figuring the script out… and how to add the effects or make it happen fast… then moved to more “complicated stuff” such ass turning text layers into particles… or figuring out the motion tracking… well whatever… the point is… at some point when RYOUMI split up… i was working in a few other groups, and i went and joined ANIMEYOSHI… it was when they released KAZE NO STIGMA 6… i showed up in main and felt like joining… i took on the job of TSING SCHOOL DAYS…



all alone?

competing against Conclave’s pichu+b0nk?

i was whoring myself out… trying to pull out decent signs… i forced myself to learn ASSDRAW just to make some of the fucking signs in episode 1…

at the end… i had a signs script bigger than the script file itself LOL.

i was like: i did my best… if people still thinks i suck at this… then so be it… i did what i could.

time for episode2: watching all the drama of the comparisons i was frustrated with myself… i felt pathetic and ignorant… so… time to man up and grab a pair… cuz is time for AFX…


F1 had ventured himself to the world of masochist TSING… knowing absoFUCKINGlutely nothing of Photoshop… and barely some real fansubbing experience with afx…

well spinal gave me the chance… so fuck it… let’s do it…

the outcome: not the best thing out there, but decently watchable…

since i didn’t know jack about photoshoping i had to work my way around it… and when you talk about AFX… there is only one truth… THERE IS NO PREDETERMINED WAY F DOING ANYTHING… is all trial and error… what you think will work… may NOT work… so you’re stuck trying shit out until you find out the right way… or at least close… even right now… i am not aware of the right ways of doing shit still… i only go by trying to make stuff look good… even those is far from being perfect or right… but at least i’m trying…

and that’s the thing… nowadays people has it just far too easy… people don’t need translators anymore… they don’t want to Quality Check anymore to speed up the process… TYPESETTING is probably the most time-consuming stage of them all… so not may people care about it anymore…

this whole world has turned into: i release fastest than everyone else… i get the more downloads… and blah blah blah.

maybe i am already to old for this (29 years old this year) and i am just living in the past… but when i started doing HAGANAI i said i wanted to pull out something that would actually make me feel happy…

regretfully the project was kind of falling apart due to some extenuating circumstances… but thx to the oyatsu folks is coming back up…

but anyway… even tho yes doing this kind of tsing is a pain in the ass… takes a lot of time… i just enjoy doing it… that’s all there is to it… is not for fame or glory… i don’t even care if only 2-3 people download this… i am doing this for my self “no offense” i enjoy doing it so i do it… and while I’m at it might aswell do it right nee..

with so much speed competence we honestly stand no chance against anyone nowadays… we will finish dead last with the project… because we are going by the book lol… and people has lives… but at least we’re subbing the way we like it… šŸ™‚

we hope those of you bored enough to read this like it too…

HAGANAI – 03 [w/ Oyatsu]

Seriously… i was about to drop this project… but amidst my sadness and frustration while i was watching Mashiro iro symphony and falling in love with the other Sena… i thought of asking OYATSU for a lil help šŸ™‚

and they gladly accpted my request…

Oyatsu is pretty much providing the foundation of the project now [TL+timing]

while we run the TLC/TS/EDIT/QC/ENCODAN


now as for this episode… i also have to thank powha who helped me out with the damn game sign… was kind of puzzling but he made it look so easy… everyone thank him aswell…

and also please …. hrmmm visit oyatsu’s site for more awesomeness…

Again this is a 10b rls


04 will come soon…

Hello world!

The project just restarted back again last saturday morning and is walking through VERY smoothly thanks to the amazing effort of oyatsu-fansubs who kindly are helping us with this show…

FULL DISCLOSURE: this project went through some really dark times where i was pushed to the verge of evaluating the possibilty of dropping it…

but thanks to Oyatsu-Fansubs who kindly accepted my request for help this wont happen…

we currently have EP3 70% finished this episode is just stuck at TSing for the next 12-15hrs while the person who will help me pull through the sign comes back from work.

the script is already past the SQC sort of lol…

as far as ep 4 goes it just started being edited a few hours ago… probably will be ready sometime friday and meet the qcers that same day at some point… by then episode 3 should already be in the RCQC# stage if not be done completely with it.

our goal is to release 2 episodes sometime this weekend…

as far as ep5 goes: Script is in the timing stage… and let timing alone… this episode has some time consuming signs, is gonna take me a while to finish it up… but i will commit to it after work and make it happen… but for sure… tsing of ep5 is planned to be not less than 3 days.

for now that is all i have to say…



PS: if you guys wish to see a live update of each episode progress your can do so HERE i will try to update the page everytime a script moves on to the next stage.